With Fare Scuola, Enel Cuore has chosen a project that aims to improve the quality of learning, well-being and of creativity and inclusion processes in numerous schools throughout the country. Our project partner is Fondazione Reggio Children, whose educational philosophy is based on the needs of the children and their development potential. It brings teachers, parents and specialists together in an educational pathway that includes the improvement of classrooms and the purchase of didactic support tools. “Quality education”is number four (SDG#4) on the list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the United Nations Agenda 30, and Enel is actively working towards all of these goals. The “Nel Cuore dello Spazio Enel” initiative, which is a spin-off of the “Fare Scuola” project, was created to support solidarity projects throughout the country. Italy is divided into 20 regions, but the Spazio Enel network, which serves Enel Energia customers, also uses four macro regions or MAT (which stands for “macro aree territoriali”). The “Fare Scuola” project is present in regions in all four of the MAT macro regions: Lombardy - MAT Northwest; Emilia-Romagna - MAT Northeast; Tuscany - MAT Centre; Sicily - MAT South. Four pre-schools or primary schools have been identified in each region as sites for the multi-year “Fare Scuola” project: the institutes are in the cities of Ferrara, Sesto San Giovanni, Palermo and Prato. Setting up “Fare Scuola” in these cities means involving an increasing number of students and educators in the bid to enhance the skills and support used in activities of sharing and socialising in the classroom. This is so that a more stimulating and engaging school environment will provide society with adults tomorrow who are more aware of their potential and of their rights. Details Place: Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), Ferrara, Prato, Palermo Association: Fondazione Reggio Children Centro Loris Malaguzzi Beneficiaries: Contribution: €400,000 Year/Duration: 2018