Guaranteeing a perfect balance between providing a family home, education and support on the path towards social inclusion for single-parent families with children. And it is in pursuit of this objective that we are supporting the “Rondini” project which is being undertaken by the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence. (“Rondini” in Italian means “Swallows.” This is because the Italian word for “refuge” and “nursery” is “nido,” literally “nest”). We are supporting this initiative within the Nel Cuore dello Spazio Enel project, which creates a synergy between us at Enel Cuore and the Enel Spaces of Enel Energia, spread throughout Italy; in fact, also thanks to their proximity to the territory, we give targeted responses to the specific needs and requirements coming from local realities, throughout the Italian territory. The initiative isn’t only aimed at mothers being accommodated in the facility, but also at women in the Florence area who are receiving assistance from the social services. Enel Cuore's contribution will be to purchase the furniture for Casa Rondini 2, a new living space within the Istituto degli Innocenti facility. It has recently been renovated and is designed to provide refuge and support for three mother-child family units. The new facility includes a living room, a kitchen, a room for communal activities and three bedrooms. Casa Rondini 2 is designed to guarantee privacy for women with children and to improve their quality of life and help them grow as people, thereby facilitating their inclusion into society. The Istituto degli Innocenti has been helping children and families for more than six centuries, and is the oldest public institution in Italy dedicated to safeguarding and protecting children. One of its objectives is to promote the active rights of children and adolescents. To this end, it carries out studies and research, monitors the policies that govern their activities, produces education and training material, and provides media education and information relating to children, adolescents, families, maternity and women's issues. It also offers social assistance, education, and accommodation, as well as other support activities aimed at children, adolescents, families and parents. Last but not least, it also provides professional training and refresher courses for those who work with the children, adolescents and families to provide education, training, psychosocial support, healthcare and legal assistance. In addition to providing accommodation for children, via the Casa Bambini (“Children’s House”) service, the Istituto also offers refuge and support to troubled or disadvantaged women with children and expectant mothers. The names of the two residential socio-educational services located within the Istituto itself are Casa Madri (“Mothers’ House”) and Casa Rondini (“Swallows’ House”). Details Location: Florence Association: Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence Expected beneficiaries: three mother-child families Total contribution made to the Institute: 18,000 euros Duration: 2019