The people most affected by the economic crisis are women: despite the layoff freeze ordered during the Pandemic, many of them still had to give up work to meet family needs (children at home, relatives to support, or more). According to the latest Ires CGIL elaboration on Istat data, in 2020 in Campania female employment dropped by 15% compared to only 2% for men, but the data to pay attention to regarding this region are also with respect to the average salary a woman has: 300 euros lower than the same role covered by a man. Added to this, especially in the province of Salerno, is the lack of adequate figures to take care of the considerable number of non-self-sufficient elderly people with different pathologies and problems and people with disabilities. It is to cope with these two problematic situations that the project we support “Donne al lavoro - Formazione e inserimento lavorativo” (“Women at Work - Training and Job Placement”) was born: the set of training activities in the health-welfare field to contribute both to the job placement of women with low schooling, who have left or never entered the world of work, or in situations of difficulty, and to fill the lack of specialized personnel in this area. The initiative is by the Cooperativa Sociale S. Paolo, which was established in February 2009 (the year dedicated to the Apostle Paul from whom it takes its inspiration) with the aim of responding to the needs of the elderly, families in distress, single mothers, women in difficulty, the homeless, migrants and all the most fragile categories of the population. The course will train participants for the figure of OSS (social and health worker) able to independently manage patients at their homes, with capillary care throughout the territory that avoids overcrowding in health care facilities, hospitals, or nursing homes. The training will last from 10 to 12 months at ARCAM (the Accredited Higher Training Institute of the Campania Region) with 1,000 hours of training of which 550 hours will be devoted to workshops and 450 to internship at facilities or centers specializing in care for the elderly, disabled and minors. At the end of the training there will be a final exam with a board that will issue a certificate of qualification. After that, job placement will take place through work grants supported by us that will allow the start of internships in public and private companies with the aim of ensuring a lasting insertion in the labor market for all the participants of the project. Details Location: Pontecagnano, Salerno, Piana del Sele Association: Cooperativa Sociale S. Paolo Beneficiaries: 10 women aged 18 to 55 in social hardship or poverty Contribution: up to 125,652.000 euros Duration: December 2022 - December 2024