Every time a war breaks out, the lives, dreams and habits of thousands of people, forced to leave their countries to escape death and poverty, are interrupted. Since the beginning of the military offensive launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in February 2022, tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Italy, and more than 90% are women and children. These children are sometimes alone, undocumented, unable to communicate and in need of help at all levels. This is where Save the Children's support comes in, acting in several areas: promoting access to sociality and education, supporting the families of minors and offering psychological support, in the wake of its action for the rights of children and adolescents worldwide. The project we support, “Minori ucraini in Italia: proteggere, accogliere, sostenere” (“Ukrainian Minors in Italy: protect, welcome, support”), starts from a premise that is as simple as it is important: to welcome minors fleeing war in a safe environment so that they can recover spaces of serenity with relationships with peers, play, education, health care, whether they travel alone or with their families. To do this, Save the Children acts on several fronts: first, with the transfer to Italy of a group of 92 beneficiaries with two buses equipped with basic necessities, a pediatrician and interpreters; it then provides legal information by immediately identifying situations of particular vulnerability. When they arrive at reception centers, the minors are placed in “Spazi a Misura di Bambino” (“Child-Friendly Spaces”), where with professional educators they can regain some serenity through play. Basic necessities and books and tablets for children are also offered, as well as specialized psychological support in dealing with emergencies. The goal is to ensure that children and their families are as safe as possible, first of all making them feel protected through personalized interviews to identify the most vulnerable children, welcoming them even so far from home, and finally supporting them on psychological and relational levels until it is possible for them to return to leading a life that is finally peaceful and serene. Details Location: Florence, Rome and Scalea (Cosenza) Association: Save the Children Beneficiaries: 410 minors and 470 adults Contribution: 361,264 euros Period: March 2022 - May 2022