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Press releases
"FARE SCUOLA": Enel Cuore Onlus and Fondazione Reggio Children, working together to create new learning spaces in schools
Social inclusion
An oasis of solidarity for people who live on the streets
Social inclusion
Chieti, a new vehicle for the Red Cross
The Buzzi Foundation: work has begun on the installation of a new pediatric mri machine
Press releases
The Buzzi Foundation and ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco inaugurate the new 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine donated by Enel Cuore
Press releases
Fondazione CON IL SUD and Enel Cuore launch the "Nel Cuore del Sud" call for proposals
The new Enel Cuore Staff House, inaugurated during Dynamo Camp’s Open Day
Press releases
"A spasso con le dita – le parole della solidarietà" ("Strolling with our fingers – the words of solidarity"): the exhibition opens in Brussels
Press releases
Cittareale: Enel Cuore and Fondazione Reggio Children upgrade the kindergarten and primary school
Fare Scuola at the first Internazionale Kids festival
Press releases
Enel: over 2 million donated through internal fundraising for social solidarity initiatives
Enel Cuore and Treccani, together to support distance learning
Press releases
Enel Cuore supports the San Raffaele Hospital during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Campus Bio-Medico University during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Piedmont region during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Campania region during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Puglia region in the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Lazio region in the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Emilia Romagna region in the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Abruzzo region during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Liguria region in the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Marche region in the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the municipality of Milan during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
Enel Cuore and Humanitas together in response to the COVID-19 emergency in Bergamo
Press releases
Enel Cuore is supporting the Lombardy region during the COVID-19 emergency
Press releases
COVID-19 emergency, Enel Cuore on the ground, supporting frontline services
Integration and social autonomy
Terre Colte at Villaggio Coldiretti: agriculture and inclusion
Social inclusion
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Press releases
Enel Cuore launches two new calls for ideas
Social inclusion
Non un mio crimine ma una mia condanna – Not my crime, but my punishment
Social inclusion
"Long Live the Elderly! A city for the elderly, a city for everyone"
Social inclusion
Project "Viva gli Anziani" Reaches Naples.
Press releases
Call for ideas : Projects admitted to "Mettiamo su casa" and "Inclusione scolastica degli studenti con bisogni educativi speciali (BES)".
Villa Minozzo, Fare Scuola between School and Territory
With fare Scuola, Children Learning the Importance of Food
Fare Scuola: Italian Schools Take on a New Face
Integration and social autonomy
Policies for unaccompanied minors: EPIM’s call for proposals
Press releases
European day of foundations and donors
Integration and social autonomy
Never Alone - Projects Admitted
The Creation of WonderLAD
Social inclusion
The New Spazio Giallo Centre in Secondigliano
Social inclusion
Inauguration of the Don Tonino Bello Centre
A means of transport for AISM in Potenza
Integration and social autonomy
Welcome to the Spazio Battirame urban garden
Integration and social autonomy
A community building for M’Ama Food’s kitchen
Enel Cuore Working Alongside Fondo Scuola
Integration and social autonomy
Inauguration of the "Sacred Heart" Centre for the Elderly
Integration and social autonomy
Never Alone: #undomanipossibile for unaccompanied foreign minors
Enel Cuore and Naukleros, Working Together for the Little Patients at Perrino Hospital (Brindisi)
Integration and social autonomy
Inauguration of Spazio Battirame (BO): an Urban Garden for a New Beginning
Space-Themed CT scanner at the Bambino Gesù Hospital: a "painless" diagnosis surrounded by stars and planets
Social inclusion
Inauguration of the Giovanni Paolo II Soup Kitchen and the Don Luigi Di Liegro Hostel
"Educate a Child": UNHCR and Enel Support Learning Programme for Syrian
Press releases
Enel starts employee fundraising campaign for emergency in Ukraine with Save The Children and UNHCR
Press releases
A Vele Spiegate: job training in support of the independence of women affected by violence
Press releases
Together with Progetto Itaca: a Community for Mental Health
Press releases
Piazza dei Mestieri opens in Milan
Press releases
The FITeT relaunches, "TennistavolOltre Plus" on track also in the 2021/2022 school year
Press releases
One million euros to UNHCR and Save The Children for the emergency in Ukraine
Integration and social autonomy
Fenix 2: the path of social and economic reintegration of minors and young people.
Press releases
Piccole Cime Crescono - The National Festival of Seed Exchange
Press releases
At the start the Internazionale Kids in Reggio Emilia
Press releases
"IRC for welfare": a Croce Rossa Italiana project with Enel Cuore Onlus to support the most vulnerable people and to fight new forms of poverty
Inauguration of the "falegnameria dell’inclusione"
Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Centro Polisportivo di San Felice sul Panaro
Press releases
"Fare Scuola" in Capitignano: an open-air laboratory park to study the sky and the earth
"European Site of Excellence": nomination for the Community of Sant'Egidio with the program "Viva gli Anziani!"
Press releases
"Nel Cuore del Sud": seven projects selected by Enel Cuore and Fondazione CON IL SUD for the restart of the internal southern areas
Press releases
Sport Power: athletes of today, leaders of tomorrow
Press releases
La Rosa neighbourhood inaugurates its Casa di Quartiere
Press releases
Enel’s corporate volunteering project resumes with a focus on solidarity and active involvement
Press releases
ENEL: 60 years of future and energy
Press releases
Cognitive Fragility: after Turin, another 4 HPL Centers are opening in Piedmont to support families, schools, boys and girls
Press releases
A unique experience to fight educational inequalities from adolescence: the new Base Camp is born in Catanzaro.
Press releases
Atena Donna: the Atena Together’s path in the women’s housing complex goes on thanks to the collaboration with Enel Cuore
SognAbile, on stage in Rome the show conceived and performed by the children of Dynamo Camp's Alumni Project
Press releases
Future Days, the meeting with the world of work
Press releases
Next-Land, Future Days in Bari
Press releases
Volontariato 4.0 to help sick people and families find their way home
Press releases
Ronald McDonald House Rome Bellosguardo renovates to be even more comfortable and welcoming for families and children guests
Press releases
QuattroPuntoZero, the project of the first widespread School of Traditional Arts and Crafts in Palermo gets into full swing
Press releases
"Intrecci di vita 2.0" project kicks off
Press releases
MOIGE: Milan hosts the first stop of the Lombardy tour of "Young Ambassadors for digital citizenship against cyberbullying and cyber risk"
Press releases
Fil Rouge project: presentation press conference
Press releases
Inauguration of ASSO.COM project with Enel Cuore
Press releases
Enel Cuore and Italian Red Cross inaugurate the new Social Help desk in Civitavecchia
Press releases
Enel donates 1 million euros to the Civil Protection Department of the Emilia-Romagna region for the people affected by flooding
Press releases
Emporio Solidale in Ragusa: a turning point in support policies for people in need
Press releases
The Spazio Giallo dedicated to children is born in the Matera prison
Press releases
Intrecci di comunità project
Press releases
Teen Lab, the daily educative center for the teenagers of the CAF Association, has renewed spaces and improved services
Press releases
Albergo Etico, a birthday under the sign of peace
Press releases
Intrecci di vita 2.0: Activity gets into full swing with the start of courses on textile art
Press releases
Sport Power: adolescents as agents of social change
Press releases
The conference to protect individuals fleeing gender-based violence kicks off
Press releases
Base Camp EduFest: The widespread festival for an equitable and inclusive school kicks off, with the participation of Internazionale Kids
Press releases
The Parent Project aps territorial meeting in Lamezia Terme
Press releases
"HPL Centre - High Performance Learning" project conference
Press releases
The new Carlo De Benedetti TOG Centre is opened
Press releases
"I Live Here" - The Primary School of Panicale experiments with the "scattered school.
Press releases
Launching the 'Opening Up to the Future' Project
Press releases
The New Mediterranean Libbanery develops contemporary design in the heart of Basilicata, in a project with a high social impact
Press releases
The new structure dedicated to the Spazio Giallo for children in the Foggia prison is inaugurating
Press releases
"Intrecci di Vita 2.0" presents the weaving workshop: a dive into Calabrian tradition and art
Press releases
Sport Power becomes a tour
Press releases
Challenges of Social Inclusion
Press releases
Concluded the project "The Centrality of Cardiological and Pulmonary Health" by Parent Project
Press releases
STEAM education against inequality and stereotypes.
The event in Bari to celebrate the closing of the Next-Land project in Puglia
Press releases
"Ricami di pietra", the worksite-school kicks off
Press releases
Suburban schools and STEM at the center of the final day of the Next-Land project in Bari, Italy
Press releases
The presentation of the project Stories of the suburbs. Bringing the suburbs back to the center of the story
Press releases
Donatella Di Pietrantonio wins the 11th edition of the Premio Strega Giovani
Press releases
Inauguration of the Project "Fabula, Laboratorio di Comunità"
Press releases
Great success for the inauguration of "Fabula - Laboratorio di Comunità"
Press releases
"Alla scoperta di Hera": contest: the award ceremony for CPA student inmates organized in prison
Press releases
Casa di Aisha, construction site inaugurated
Together with Assifero
Press releases
The rebirth of man and nature at the Oasi WWF del Cervo e della Luna
Press releases
The heart of the Oasi del Cervo e della Luna beats in Monte Arcosu
Press releases
The 20th anniversary of Piazza dei Mestieri
Press releases
Un’altra partita: comunità in campo (Another game: community in the field)
World Mental Health Day 2024: promoting psychological well-being for all
Press releases
"Casa Comune" first co-housing project for autistic kids
Press releases
A traveling tour against cyberbullying
Press releases
AVSI, with Enel Cuore Onlus presents the results of the first phase of the Aprirsi al futuro project in Calabria, that in two years will support 30 vulnerable young people to facilitate their entry into the world of work
Press releases
Celebrated in Campidoglio the 40th anniversary of AIL Roma between research, treatment and assistance against blood cancers, in the wake of Prof. Franco Mandelli
Press releases
Breast cancer, prevention doubles in Varese
Press releases
CasaOz and Beyond... The Everyday Care toward the Molino
Press releases
Living and working at Casa di Toti: the facility towards new goals thanks to the support of Fondazione con il Sud and Enel Cuore, the non-profit organization of the Enel Group
Press releases
Gioventù sognata - Contemporary adolescence and inequality
Press releases
In Italy there are fewer and fewer children, and they are poorer and poorer. 200 thousand 0-5 year olds are in food poverty and one in ten has experienced energy poverty.
Press releases
The MOIGE Young Ambassadors arrive in Parliament: debate on the challenges of digital and artificial intelligence with over 250 students.
November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Press releases
The inauguration of the new headquarters of the Albero della Vita Foundation in Palermo's ZEN2 neighborhood: an example of legality and redemption
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: a commitment to inclusion
Press releases
Gioventù sognata: a national conference in Palermo against inequality and child educational poverty
Press releases
Piazza dei Mestieri grows in Catania
Press releases
"Storie di Periferia" project gets into full swing: Jan. 20 in Caivano and Jan. 30 in Tor Bella Monaca
Press releases
Fivefold increase in space at Casa di Leo: more services and care for children and their families
Press releases
Domus De Luna celebrates 20 years of commitment
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Integration and social autonomy
Social inclusion
The older generation
Migrants and refugees
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